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Framed Desktop Prints

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Customer Favorite Framed Desktop Prints

Updated Monday 06-10-2024
Lombardi Framed Desktop Print
from Manager of Ohio

Lombardi Framed Desktop Print

Presentable Gift
This Framed Print looked very nice, but for a desktop print was quite tall. It was received very well as a gift for a transfering employee who is highly motivated and loves football.

Lincoln Perseverance Framed Desktop Print
from JB of Wilmington, DE

Lincoln Perseverance Framed Desktop Print

This was a nice gift!
I purchased this as a gift for a Customer.

Lincoln Perseverance Framed Desktop Print
from Meloni of St. Louis, MO

Lincoln Perseverance Framed Desktop Print

Leadership Recognition
Perfect desk sized recognition. We recently awarded two individuals the Lincoln Perseverance plaque for their contribution to the leadership summit. The plaques are perfect size to display on their desk or wall, and easy to pack in travel bags home.